About This Website

Welcome to Wellness Solutions, a website dedicated to bringing the reader a collection of factual and well researched information on wellness!

First of all, here is a little bit about the previous owner of this website, Penny Steward. The site has changed some, but the sentiments are the same, with more information added to further the initial work done in here by Penny. Here is her story:

Penny Steward BS, MS, CLL is a professional wellness consultant, educator, author and coach. As a consultant she taught thousands of individuals and many organizations how to make healthier lifestyle choices for nutrition, exercise, and reducing stress for well being. As a private practitioner, she changes peoples' lives by teaching them how they can take control of their own health. they can have more energy and vitality, lose fat permanently and also prevent illness and disease.

Penny leads life changing wellness and behavior seminars and workshops for conference break out sessions and keynotes; executive meetings; retreats; and organizational meetings. She also conducts wellness educational programs (live and all medias) for individuals, companies and organizations that effect real changes in lifestyle habits and health care costs. And just watch her add an extra touch of fun and energy as a Certified Laughter Leader for the World Laughter Tour, Inc.