Health Supplements

One of the ways in which to increase your health levels and thereby improve your chances of attaining easy weight loss is to supplement your diet with health supplements.

There are many different types to choose from and a dizzying array of brands to come to terms with.

This article has been created to cut through all the confusion and bring you the basics so that you can make your own choices based on a solid foundation.

There are some basic groups of health supplements that are worth knowing about and these we'll look at here.

There are some basic groups of health supplements that are worth knowing about and these we'll look at here.


The major vitamins that you should ensure that you get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) are A, B complex, C, D, E and K. These vitamins are vital for good health and deficiency can lead to serious illness in some cases.

Each vitamin group has its own place in the functioning of the body. Here is a brief overview:

A is helpful for eye health

B complex helps reinforce the nervous system and is therefore helpful in reducing stress.

C is an antioxidant and is helpful for boosting the immune system to help the body fight off viral and bacterial infections.

D is naturally manufactured by the body during exposure to the sun. However, many people living in climates that get less sunshine hours or those that spend most if not all of the daylight hours indoors can benefit from supplementation.

It helps the body regulate digestion and is therefore helpful in weight management. It is also helpful for the immune system and assisting in weight loss strategies.

E is an antioxidant and also a good immune system booster.

K helps to balance the body's salt levels and assists in the absorption of calcium for stronger healthy bones and muscles.


Often grouped with vitamins, minerals are those trace elements that the body needs for a multitude of normal functions and a deficiency in any of these can bring about an imbalance in the body that can result in illness or a reduction in general health.

The essential ones are iron, magnesium, selenium, potassium and zinc.

Fat Burning Supplements

These come in the form of various berry extracts, of which hoodia, acai and goji make up the current popular choices.

The real evidence for the true value of these extracts is circumstantial and anecdotal in the main and while they do possess properties that can increase metabolism of body fact into energy, the potency differs from person to person and not just from brand to brand.

Body Building Supplements

These kinds of supplements are often used by dieters and not just body builders, although their main job is in building muscle.

Some supplements are quite legal and believed to be safe in reasonable doses, although there are some which are not legal in certain countries and you should check with local laws before purchasing.

These kinds of supplements are often used by dieters and not just body builders, although their main job is in building muscle.

Protein-based supplements and powders such as whey powder and creatin are popular for assisting in building muscle bulk and strength.

Some supplements are quite legal and believed to be safe in reasonable doses, although there are some which are not legal in certain countries and you should check with local laws before purchasing.


There are many cases where it can be beneficial to include some supplementation in your daily dietary routine, depending on your needs and personal aims.

They should be coupled with a healthy regimen of good diet, exercise and keeping your thoughts positive to maintain a good level of motivation.

The types and levels of supplementation you take is generally a personal choice, although it is always wise to seek professional advice from a doctor or health specialist before buying any kinds of supplementation.